Select on preferable products and copy the codes
Pilih produk dan salin kod produk

Click "Order Form" button at the top of this page
Klik pada butang "Order Form" di bahagian atas page ini

Now, fill in our "Order Form". Please make sure you fill with the correct informations
Sekarang, sila isi "Order Form". Sila pastikan anda mengisi dengan butiran yang betul

List down all codes and quantity of the product that you would like to purchase at the "Code Item/Quantity" box
Senaraikan semua kod dan kuantiti produk yang ingin dibeli di kotak "Code Item/Quantity"

Select on the method of payment either Maybank, Bank Islam, Western Union or Kiriman Wang Pos
Pilih cara pembayaran samada Maybank, Bank Islam, Western Union atau Kiriman Wang Pos

Choose either you want us to respon to your order by email or SMS
Pilih samada anda mahu kami respon tempahan anda dengan email atau SMS

After click at the "Purchase", wait for our conformation after 24 to 48 hours. If you ask us to reply through your email, please check at Spam or Junk Mail too. If still do not get our email, please fill in this order form again
Selepas klik pada "Purchase", tunggu pengesahan kami selepas 24 ke 48 jam. Jika anda meminta kami membalas melalui email, sila cek di Spam atau Junk Mail juga. Jika masih tiada, sila isi order form ini semula